
Do you ever wish you could have a hand in shaping the future? You can. It’s called voting.  And now’s the time.

Are you registered to vote? If not, it’s easy to do. Find out how at https://vote.gov/.

And hurry – the window to register in many states closes soon. Check for your state’s deadline here.

You’re already registered? That’s great. But are you sure you’re still registered?

Many states are purging tens of thousands of registered voters from the rolls – mainly people of color, low-income people, and young people.

Make sure you’re still registered.

Today I’m joining with published writers across the country to urge readers to register and vote. It’s never been more important.

But don’t take my word for it. Ask Karen Joy Fowler, Tayari Jones, Meg Waite Clayton,  Celeste Ng, Caroline Leavitt, Soniah Kamal – pretty much any novelist you admire. They’ll all tell you the same thing:


